Monday, January 31, 2011

Meow cute!

I came across this website today with super cute jewelry..........LOVE! Prices range from $30-$70

Check it out

Meow Girl necklaces I'm loving







Jamie xx

Custom Beach Cruisers

I LOVE my beach cruiser! It's pink and black and says Jamis on the side LOL not how you spell my name but close enough ; ) I love taking it down to the beach and riding down the boardwalk or just putting Tito (my Pomeranian) in the basket and ride around the neighborhood, which I think I'll do in a is beautiful out today!! I always find it peaceful to go for a nice bike ride, plus you get a little exercise. I got my bike 4-5 years ago and have never been able to find the same one anywhere (meaning the bright pink and black color combo) and no it wasn't custom or anything... just walked in a bike shop one day and there it was saying buy me buy me! So happy I did ; )
The other night I was watching LX First Look and they featured this custom beach cruiser shop in Dallas called Villy Custom, it is a bad ass custom beach cruiser bike shop. You can even design your own custom bike online and have it shipped to you. Everything from hot pink tires, brake pedals, seat covers, ect... they have baskets, cup holders, bells everything you can imagine. If you don't have a beach cruiser and want one I suggest you check out their website. A complete custom detailed beach cruiser cost approx $500 which isn't bad at all cause from what I recall my bike, which is not custom cost about $600

Check it out

Jamie xx

ANTI Texting While Driving!!!

Texting while driving is a MAJOR problem we are dealing with these days! I am an advocate for Anti-Texting While Driving since my husband is the Founder of the best Anti-Texting While Driving Software on the market...Drive Safe powered by PHONEGUARD! And no I'm just saying it's the best because it's my really is, all the other apps and software out there don't have all the capabilities as Drive Safe does. The statistics of fatalities of texting while driving are unbelievable! 4 times as many people last year died from texting while driving then drinking and driving. I urge everyone to get Drive Safe on their phone, it is not available for iPhone yet but it is for Android and Blackberry. It also makes a great gift for friends and family. I know I sound like I'm selling but it is what it is, it's something I believe in.
Here is how it works:
Drive Safe Software "safe driving mobile application" is easy-to-use software that helps ensure safe and legal use of mobile phones while driving. PG's Drive Safe Software is the practical answer to the problem of distracted driving; it activates automatically* when you start to drive and applies customizable safe driving policies to help protect you, your family, and/or your employees. 
If the current speed is higher than the threshold set, the PhoneGuard anti-text while driving application locks the phone by displaying our custom lock screen on top of everything else currently running on the phone. By doing this PhoneGuard anti-text while driving effectively locks the screen; rendering it impossible to read or write text messages, emails, or any other activity that requires you to look at the screen. PhoneGuard anti-text while driving is an all-encompassing solution to the many distracting activities that require you to look at your phone, enabling you to keep your eyes on the road.

Click here for more info

Share with friends and me spread the word (copy and paste the link above)

Pics of the box the software comes in



Each box comes with a 'No Texting Vehicle' sign for your car, which I have on all my cars. I actually have an iPhone so the software isn't available yet for my phone but I swear just having the sign on my car makes me think twice before I text while driving. I would feel like such a hypocrate if someone saw me texting while driving with the 'No Texting Vehicle' sign on my car.. I just don't do it, no text is that important, it can wait till you get to your destination. 

Funny video...but so true!

Please help me spread the word! It saves lives!

Jamie xx

Eboost 30% off promo code

Giuliana Rancic and her blog Fab Fit Fun just posted.....use promo code FABFITFUN for 30% of Eboost

Link to Eboost

Link to Fab Fit Fun post on Eboost


Jamie xx

Royal Jelly (David Wolfe - The Miraculous Healing Power of Honey!)

GOOD MORNING! So this morning as I go thru my emails I had one from The Raw Food World, the website where I buy my Royal Jelly from and mentioned in my Queen Bee Royal Jelly post. Always great emails from them, very informative! Anyway to the point, there was the link to a short video with David Wolfe clearly stating that Fresh Royal Jelly is the MOST POWERFUL longevity food in the world. Check it out ; )

If you search David Wolfe on YouTube there are a lot of really good informational video clips, a lot being about raw food, avoiding sickness, making smoothies with super foods, ect...
*Note....I am not a raw foodist BUT I do believe in what they say and find it very informational, it does lead me to make healthier food choices everyday, maybe you will find it informational as I do....ENJOY!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New bag I said I would post pics of

Here is a pic of the new bag I bought from and said I would post pics of. They no longer have it available ; ( BUT I did find it in black online....just isn't the same in black though ; /

anyway here are pics
Shirt - H&M
Belt - H&M
Jeans - Juicy Couture
Shoes (which you can't see) and watch - Michael Kors

Jamie xx

Facial hair / nose hair....WAX THAT SHIT!

I want to talk about facial hair on GIRLS!!! I'm going to discuss mustaches and nose hair and how to remove it with waxing in the privacy of your own home. No girl should be walking around with a visible nose hairs or an obvious mustache. Ok so let's say you aren't the type of girl that gets all up in the mirror and checks these things.......WELL START! Just because you never noticed that one extra long nose hair hanging out of your nose doesn't mean no one else has, sometimes he (he being the extra long nose hair) goes back into hiding where he belongs so you aren't even aware he exist and when you least expect it (when hanging out with friends or on a date) he decides to make an appearance again, well I have a solution just get to the bottom (root) of it and remove him all together. Same goes for a mustache...not all mirrors and lighting are created equal so I suggest on a sunny day get in your car and pull down the visor and look in the mirror, do you see any dark hairs on your upper lip? It's really not uncommon, we all have hair on our face...some have more than others and some just have darker hair.
I have a mustache! Not a MANstache but hair on my upper lip, only a few of the hairs being dark, nothing crazy but I'd be damned if I didn't wax that shit! Same goes for my nose hairs, nothing crazy but have you ever pushed your nose up to make a pig nose face and looked close in the mirror?! HOLY MOLY! I got creative one day with the wax and decided to try and wax them and it worked, been doing it for years. I know it sounds crazy cause after all pulling one hair out of your nose with tweezers is a bitch, I can't ...that's why waxing works for me, you basically rip them all out at once instead of one at a time and when you do it that way for some odd reason it isn't nearly as painful! Doesn't even hurt I don't think. Sometimes I get carried away and wax every single hair out of my nose hahaha I told the lady who waxes my eyebrows once that I do this and she told me it isn't good cause we need our nose hairs they are there for a reason, here is the reason
According to Micheal Pollick in "what is The Purpose of Nose hair?" Nose hair defends the body against germs fungus and spores, When air is inhaled through the nose all the solid particles in the air is inhaled as well. The thicket of hair within the nostrils traps the particles in the mucus on the hair. Nose hair also provides humidity to inhale air. Humidity is needed for the respiratory system to prevent dryness in the lungs and nasal passage. People who frequently cut away their nose hairs or pluck them out are susceptible to allergies, sinusitis, or respiratory infections.
Ain't stopping me ...HA... anyway waxing at home is easy (NOT YOUR EYEBROWS....THAT"S ANOTHER POST LATER) 
Below I will explain...(WARNING: Pictures below are graphic LMAO)
The wax I use is Bliss Poetic Waxing At-Home Hair Removal Kit, it's easy and the kind you peel off so you don't need any waxing strips or anything,you can find it online and at Sephora, it's $45 but will last forever, I've had mine over 3 years. Here is the lin

Heat up the wax as directed, get a a few q-tips (cotton swabs), these are what you'll use to wax the nose hair. Make sure the wax is a thick wax consistency and not so hot that is runny like a liquid, ALWAYS check the wax first you don't want to burn yourself...."THIS INVOLVES COMMON SENSE"

Ok mustache first, spread a thick line of the wax upward from the corner of your mouth towards your nose like so with the spatula that comes with the wax kit (you can use a plastic knife too, works the same, the wax shouldn't be so hot that it would melt the plastic knife or obviously it would burn you!)

When you apply the wax, layers should be as thick as a banana peel (about 1/8")
Make sure to use some pressure when applying the wax, to form firm and full edges for easy peeling.
When the wax has dried enough, so it is not tacky to the touch, it is time to remove (but don't wait too long - wax may crack).
Press down on the entire patch to ensure a uniform removal, then hold the skin tight, grab an end, and remove the wax in a brisk fashion against the direction of hair growth.

WA LA! Quick and easy! I find doing it at the end of the day before bed to be best!

Ok now nose hairs...get your q-tips, you want the q-tips to be nice and tightly weaved ones hahahaha if that makes sense, see pic
Q-tip on the left is tight weaved one, GOOD...the one on the right is not, BAD!

Take the q-tip and dip the tip in the wax and twirl getting all sides of the q-tip with the so..

Blow on waxed q-tip to make sure it's not too hot, then deciding which side of your nostril needs the waxing take the q-tip and place in your nose making sure the wax gets the hairs you want removed DO NOT STICK TOO FAR IN YOUR NOSE, you should have only half of the waxed q-tip in your nose and see the other half of the wax outside of the so

Wait about a minute, then pull it out! When you pull you want to make sure you pull from the end that is in your nose, when grabbing try and have one finger on the wax that is sticking out of your nose to ensure that it all comes out. This is also the reason you want a tight weaved q-tip, 
a loose one and this can happen...
No need to panic just take your fingers and grab as much as you can that is hanging out of your nose and pull, you'll get it all out, it's fine! It's scary and nerve wracking before you pull obviously because you think it's going to hurt but once you've done it it's like wow not bad at all, way less pain than plucking. And gets way more than any nose hair clippers will ever do!

Once you get good you can do both at the same time like me  ; )

Way easier to show someone in person, which I've done as well. On a serious note's easy. If the nose hair waxing freaks you out atleast wax your upper lip. So shocked at how many of my friends walk around with a mustache....WAX THIT SHIT!!

Jamie xx

Saturday, January 29, 2011


My opinion and my thoughts on sneakers....

My feet LOOOOOOOOOOVE sneakers!! I've tried to trick them into liking platforms and stillettos but they aren't stupid, they know what they like and it's sneakers! I've worked out a deal with them that I will wear sneakers as often as possible and heels mainly at night, the nights I go out. In return I experience less feet hurting, blisters, ect.. if that makes sense ; ) hahaha
There are casual sneakers and athletic sneakers.  You should have atleast 4 casual pairs and 2 athletic pairs. (Unless you aren't a sneaker person, and if not move on to the next post this one ain't for you)
You should only wear athletic sneakers when you are working out!! If not atleast have on gym attire or something similar to my uniform (even though my uniform goes with 'casual' sneakers) You should not be wearing athletic sneakers with jeans! My favorite athletic sneakers are Nike, to be exact Nike Shox NZ. I've tried all the Nike Shox and the NZ's are the best. They are perfect for my feet, they love them! You can also go to and design your own custom pair!

I recently bought a pair of Nike Air Max, they are cute but my feet don't like them very much for some reason so I'm sticking with the NZ's
Besides those I have a pair that are really cute I got from Sports Authority over a year ago, so cute I bought 2 pair. They are the kind of sneakers that weigh nothing, super light. Personally not enough support to go long distance walking or jogging in but fine for a gym class.

Casual sneakers can be worn with alot of different things from jeans, leggings, shorts, JUICY pants ; ) I have and love and think are staple sneakers everyone should have a pair of are: Converse chucks, they are classics. So many colors to chose from, can't go wrong. I even have a pair of cute glitter ones I got from Target, Converse One Star.
Here are the Converse chuck metallic
I have a pair of high top Converse with black leather fringe I got from Singer22 a while ago, they are kinda too big but since I couldn't return them I still wear them LOL

I love PUMA's too, I have alot of the Speed Cat's and the Mostro Perf
Pic of Mostro Perf's, they are really comfy
Another really cute casual pair are Vans...LOVE!

Jamie xx

My uniform...cuter version! LOL

So a lot of friends brought up my uniform post LOL thought I would share a cuter version of the uniform, well maybe not cuter to you but to me it is, just looks a little more put together but still with the key components of my uniform ; )

This time instead of a Hanes t-shirt or a VS one I have on a white 3/4 dolman sleeve top by Free People that I got online from a year ago (I checked no longer there) with black Juicy velour pants but the original snap pockets ones this time, they have a way bigger flare at the bottom and have an overall different fit, great for us girls with no booties because the snap pockets on the back give the illusion of a gadunkadunk (an ass) accompanied with a black scarf with white peace signs on it and a pair of puma sneakers (PUMA mostro perf) (will do a sneaker post next)

Jamie xx

Friday, January 28, 2011

Be the Queen Bee....the low down on Royal Jelly

I'm not talking about this kind of Queen B 

I'm talking about this kind

Ok so where to begin?! Let's see.... a few days I posted a pic of a blue bag with a bow on it....LOVE! It was from Patricia Field's website well I bought it, got it yesterday. (bought a cute top too, I will post pics of the bag and top later) anyway in the box was a letter from Patricia Field with 2 samples of 2 different lotions. I scanned the letter for you to read, here it is... hopefully you can read it and it isn't too small if not let me know

Here is a pic of the samples she sent

As I read the letter oh thought..OH yes... Royal Jelly is the shit, I actually have a jar I bought a year again when I was on a health kick and juicing alot to put it in juices, smoothies and or shakes which I had forgotten about. I got out my jar of organic raw royal jelly and put some in a Boku protein shake (boku protein is the shit too, I will do a separate post on that later) that I made, instantly feel like a million bucks! Going to leave it on the counter and start to take regularly. You should too!

Here is the low down on Royal Jelly:

Where does Royal Jelly come from?

Nurse bees secrete royal jelly and feed it to larvae selected to become queen bees. It causes them to grow more quickly than other larvae, and even when fully grown, queen bees still require the nutrition of royal jelly. Consuming it puts you, too, on the fast track to superior health, beauty, and longevity.


For your brain...

  • Stimulates neural stem cells, neurotransmitters, and glial cells, which protect the brain’s neurons

  • Enhances overall cognitive capacity

  • Assists people dealing with impaired cognitive learning, motor function, and awareness to better their short-term memory and learning processes

  • Contains acetylcholine, which is important in the learning process and short-term memory

  • Helps benefit those with chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

  • Can increase intelligence over time

    For your body...

  • Plays an important role in regenerating tissue

  • Contains the entire B-Complex

  • Improves the immune system and can be helpful in such conditions as Grave’s disease and herpes

  • Has a reputation as an anti-carcinogenic

  • Regulates blood sugar that can help improve Type II diabetes

  • Contains royalisin, an antibacterial protein

  • Has been shown to help rats’ bones absorb calcium

  • Boosts adrenal and kidney system functions

    For your beauty...

  • Helps your body use protein more efficiently

  • Accelerates hair growth and can help restore hair color and shine

  • Has been classified as an anti-aging Yin Jing tonic in Chinese medicine

  • Contains collagen and zinc for softer, smoother, younger-looking skin

  • Now if that doesn't want to make you start incorporating royal jelly into your diet than your nuts! Ok well maybe I'm nuts but either way I encourage everyone to get some and start taking it. I purchased mine from it's organic, raw and 3x more concentrated than regular royal jelly. It is kind of expensive ($74.95) so if you aren't willing to spend that much than just go to your local health food store and pick some up, anykind is better than none! Here is a pic of the one I have

    Here is the link where to buy this one (this website has a lot of other good 'HEALTHFREAK" stuff so check it out (whether your into the whole raw food stuff or not)

    Well anyway back to why I decided to post this.....Patricia Field and her love for APIVITA products (which contain Royal Jelly). I haven't tried the samples yet but plan on it and will let you know my thoughts. Decided to check out the website anyway and see what it's all about, I plan on getting some goodies which I will also get back to you on ; )

    Here is the link to Patricia Fields site

    Here is the link directly to APIVITA 



    Jamie xx 

    Fat Free All Natural Brownies!

    Next time you go to make brownies try No Pudge Brownie Mix. They are fat free, all natural and taste just like regular ones. You just mix with  yogurt or applesauce. The first time I ever made them I made them with applesauce....they were DELICIOUS! I was shocked how good they were, even the batter taste like regular brownie batter. I made them again yesterday and this time I made them with yogurt, they taste the same either way...YUM! My husband even loves them, keeping in mind he doesn't know they are fat free and all natural LOL if he did I'm sure he wouldn't be as enthused about them ; ) So go get a box and DON't tell your hubby or kids they are healthy and I bet they won't even know the difference!

    Try them with yogurt (instead of using vanilla yogurt which is loaded with extra sugar I used plain yogurt and added 1 tsp of vanilla)

    OR try them with applesauce


    Jamie xx

    Thursday, January 27, 2011

    Nails - Do it yourself Minx

    So last night I finally tried the OPI Chic Prints for nails that are from Sephora that I've had for a year (LOL). Love it, they were pretty easy to apply and took maybe 10-15 minutes. Keeping in mind my nails are super short right (so short they hurt) because when the lady soaked off the Shellac she cut them way too short and they are very sharp on the sides cause she squared them so much, for some dumb reason I didn't round off the edges a little bit before I applied the Minx . And you are suppose to file off the excess Minx with a crystal or glass file which I didn't have and all the nail files I did have sucked so considering all that they still turned out pretty good. Also before applying it says to warm up each one by rubbing, I just took the blowdryer on hot to each one for 5 seconds. They cost $15 and it says last 1-2 days but I think it could last longer, I've been doing all kinds of stuff today where I thought for sure they have peeled some and they haven't!

    Here is the link to Sephora

    I got 3 compliments on them already this morning!
    Here's a pic....don't mind my ugly ass hands LOL

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    Cleaning your make up brushes...

    One thing I dread the my make up brushes! Something that NEEDS to be done atleast once every couple of months. My normal routine is one by one rinse them in the sink with luke warm water then set to the side. Then get a plastic cup, squirt a nickel size amount of Johnson's and Johnson's Baby Shampoo in it then fill it half way full with luke warm water. Take brush and swish it around for a bit, I like the plunger motion best (up and down like plunging a toilet...not that any of us have LOL) especially for the bigger brushes the smaller ones you can just swish around back and forth, do this for 10 seconds or so then rinse in sink with luke warm water until you see no traces of any make up. Gently squeeze out any excess water then lay flat to the side on a towel or paper cloth. I do each brush with a fresh cup of baby shampoo mixture, reason why I hate it, takes a while! For the small eye make up brushes I'll do 2 or 3 in a cup and wash together. Sometimes when I'm done I will take each brush and squirt some brush cleaner in the bristles (I use MAC's brush cleaner) and you'd be amazed how much more make up comes out, even after cleaning them and rinsing till the water was clear oddly enough a squirt of the brush cleaner and more make up appears ; / then again give them each a rinse with water, gently squeeze out excess water and set aside laying flat to dry. You can just use either one method of cleaning, I just do both for some reason!
    IF your brushes need a little extra TLC when done cleaning and before drying them, fill the sink up with luke warm water and squeeze a dime size of conditioner in it (hair conditioner) take your hand and swoosh it around then dump all of your brushes in the sink and let them sit for a minute or 2 then rinse and lay flat to dry.

    My new FAVORITE thing I recently bought is from Sephora. It's their Daily Makeup Brush Cleaner, it's a spray! After every use just spray 3-4 sprays on the brush and wipe on a lint-free cloth (I use a paper towel). I am in love with this stuff, wish I would have had it sooner. Makes cleaning your brushes a breeze ; ) This is a MUST HAVE item!!
    Here is the link to Sephora to buy it

    Jamie xx

    Sunglasses 8-)

    Right now I am obsessed with a bunch of Gucci sunglasses, big oversized white ones and cat eye. I resisted the urge to buy them all when I was at Gucci because I have drawers of sunglasses that I never wear and I thought before I buy any more I need to go thru what I have and get rid of some. And sure enough I actually still have a pair of Versace light pink ones that are prolly atleast 11 years old, so funny to think I actually wore those WO... LOL. Anyway I think it's important to have a good amount of sunglasses, a bunch of different styles depending on your mood. You don't need to spend a lot of money on them either like I use to think. Of course it's great to have a few pairs of designer shades but if you can't afford it there are plenty of options.

    One of my favorite websites is 80', besides having great clothes, shoes and accessories they have a huge selection of sunglasses and A LOT of them are cheap, like $10 cheap. I've gotten 2 or 3 of the $10 shades from 80'spurple and always love them. They have alot of really outrageous ones that are super fun!
    Here is the link to their website

    Another great site for cheap fun sunglasses is this site also has fun cute stuff for the home. I actually bought some cat eye sunglasses and the fun red heart shaped ones from here for $12 each
    Here is the link to their website

    Here is the cat eye ones I got from fredflare for $12, they are called 'Bridget"

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Another Nail Update!

    Had a few comments about the last 2 nails posts, but since they weren't commented on the blog I am going to share.

    In regards to me not being able to paint my cousin (Carrie) says it doesn't matter if you get the polish on your skin and if it isn't perfect because once it's dry like the next day in the shower you can rub the polish right off your skin. I actually heard this before but never tried it, now I will.

    Then a friend of mine (Desiree) swears by Duri's Drop n Go top coat, here's the link ; )

    Another trick from my friend Priscilla (I'm gonna copy and paste it)
    There's also a good secret I learned in nail school! When you putting your polish on your nails, and you accidently get it on ur skin, then it's ok. Because once you put your final clear top coat on, then purposely put a little top coat over where you painted on your skin, and while the top coat is still wet, the paint will come right off like an eraser. Just get a pack of those long skinny wooden nail sticks (that get dirt from underneath your nails), and use that to take it off. Works great :)

    Tanning 101

    A tan.....LOVE IT, something about it just makes me feel good, good and tan LOL. Maybe cause when you look good you feel good and in my opinion a tan looks good! Some girls look amazing pale but those are the VERY pale skin girls with porcelain looking skin...again MY opinion. I am naturally tan for the most part, I would never be WHITE hahaha! Got alittle Cherokee Indian in me and growing up my mom always had us at Hollywood beach (Hollywoooooooood)(Hollywood FL not CA) and I've been tanning in a tanning bed/booth since I was 15-16 years old. I am pleased to announce I am skin cancer free thank you very much...phew! Yes I know it is a risk but one I am willing to take after all it's not like I am baking in the sun 24-7, like the girl I just saw last week on TLC's new show My Strange Addiction...OMG it was CRAZY!!! I atleast wear sunblock on my face and neck (it's in my tinted moisturizer I wear every day) I rarely ever lay out at the beach or by my pool for a tan, maybe to relax for a little bit but thats it. So much quicker to go in a tanning bed for 10 minutes or do a spray tan PLUS I HATE tanning lines! So whether you are anti-tanning bed or not here is my routine for both tanning beds and spray tanning.

    Tanning Beds: 
         I've been tanning in tanning beds for almost 15 years. I go atleast once a week. I always wear eye goggles! As for using lotion or not... I don't, I know they try and say it makes a big difference but I never noticed and I've been tanning forever! There has been times when I have used lotion but only because I was either given a bottle as a gift or something or sometimes just feel dry skin so I get a sample pack just cause but like I said I NEVER noticed a difference. Tingle vs. Non-Tingle? NON-TINGLE!! Holt crap I used a tingle lotion once and had the itchies sooooooo bad it was torture NEVER AGAIN! I cover my face 95% of the time. I'd be an idiot not to considering I am getting micro and peels done on my face all the time. Putting a towel over your face doesn't cut it so I eventually started making these tanning face masks covers out of sunblock fabric. I was gonna start making them to give to friends as gifts and maybe even sell locally but stopped due to my wedding last year and then moving, maybe I will start again one of these days! Anyway point is try and cover your face, unnecessary wrinkles ain't cool nor cute!
    The mask is made out of sunblock material (the solid color material on the side that rest against your face is the sunblock fabric) then has a piece of boning down the middle to it lays on your nose properly and your able to breathe and has velcro straps on the sides to stay on.

    Spray Tanning / Self Tanning Lotion:
         I generally don't spray tan at the tanning salon too often, I do it myself! Here is what I do...
    Before you must exfoliate really good and shave. To exfoliate I use a body scrub and before I step under the shower but in the shower (if that makes sense) while dry I use the scrub, then rinse and shower and shave! This is the scrub I LOVE!
    I get this at my local healthfood store but if you can't find that I also really like Neutrogena's Body Sugar Scrub. As for shaving I am a Gillette Venus girl ; ) Once you are out of the shower and depending what you are going to do either spray tan or use self tanner lotion.. 
    * You can do both if you want BUT I wouldn't recommend it if you are really pale to start

    Spray Tan:
         The spray tan I use is Mystic Tan. Once out of the shower put on lotion, extra lotion on the tops of hands and tops of feet and knees and elbows if yours tend to be really dry. Put on a shower cap to cover hair but let your ears stick out, don't want white ears with tan face LOL
    Get back in shower and start to spray, I start at my face and work my way down using a side to side motion then do the back, then sides and not forgetting all sides of the arms and inner part of the legs. It's hard to describe, I think it's best to get a spray tan at a tanning salon a few times to get the general idea. Once done get out, wipe off tops of feet, they tend to get all the fall out and if you don't it will look like you've been running around barefoot in the clay at a baseball field. Look in the mirror check yourself out and if all's good then take the blowdryer and blowdry yourself till you no longer feel wet. Chill out naked as long as possible but not really necessary, I usually throw on my robe or a night shirt after. Always best to do before bed, then shower in the morning if you must, don't scrub though obviously, just shower to get the smell off, all spray tans have a smell that isn't really pleasant! 

    If the tops of my feet are looking too dark or my hands I use this self tan remover. 
    You can buy it here for $18 
    My bottle looks different, I got mine a couple years ago on sale from Victoria's Secret. It's basically just a scrub so you could just use any scrub I'm sure. I've also been told nail polish remover works!

    Self Tanner Lotion:
         The self tanning lotion I use is Faux Tan by Bare Escentials, this is what I do...
    Once out of shower (exfoliated and shaved) I mix the Faux Tan half with my regular lotion (I usually use Palmer's Cocoa Butter). I mix it so it's not such a dark tan incase I don't get every little part (for instance getting all your back can be a challenge) I just rub it all over like I would regular lotion. When done the palms of your hands will be very dark so I wash and scrub with the above self tan remover. This dries quicker and feels less sticky than the spray tan so can be done more often (again my opinion) Here is Faux Tan and the regular lotion I use and mix it with. You don't have to mix it if you don't want.

     You can buy the Faux Tan here for $22

    I try and use the self tanner once a week as well.

    Lastly there is bronzing daily moisturizers you can use everyday to keep a subtle glow, I use to sometimes use one by Jergens that also says it's "firming' but last week got this one from my local healthfood store

    Doesn't smell great but neither did the Jergens!

    Hope this all makes any sense, it's easier to explain and show in person than type. It's one of those things you need to try an few times and use your own judgment (common sense)

    Jamie xx