Thursday, April 26, 2012

My birth story!

Miss Ella Rose Sasso decided to come a month early. I was hoping for an all natural birth but due to her early arrival things did not go as planned. 
Woke up Sunday morning around 9:00, March 26 to my water breaking. I was so not expecting that, I had no hospital bag packed and the baby's room wasn't even finished.
I decided to hold off going to the hospital as long as possible, my goal was to not have to get an IV or antibiotics and I knew getting there too early would result in things like that which I wanted to avoid. Which in the end didn't happen. We got to the hospital around 3:00. I had to get the IV with antibiotics due to my Strep B test results were not back yet so they couldn't risk it. Then they tell me that since I was only 36 weeks I could not have a waterbirth. With an IV your unable to walk the halls of the hospital during and between contractions, use the shower, birth ball, ect.. I was pretty much bed bound. Then my worst fear came.....pitocin!! An hour after they gave me the IV my contractions were pretty much non existent, I know it was from my IV bothering me so much. IV's are my biggest fear so all my concentration went to that. Next thing I knew I had to have pitocin.  It's pretty unheard of to get pitocin and not end up with an epiderall due to the severity of the contractions and frequency they come. I was determined though and in the end did it with NO EPIDERALL!!! Not gonna sugar coat it though.... it was rough!!!

I really wanted to get into details but due to the lack of sleep these days it's just not gonna happen, I'm beat, it's taken me a week just to type this ; /
I'll post pics at a later date but until then enjoy the video!!

Welcome, Ella Rose from Tricia Krefetz on Vimeo

Peace and Love,

Jamie xx