Monday, January 31, 2011

Royal Jelly (David Wolfe - The Miraculous Healing Power of Honey!)

GOOD MORNING! So this morning as I go thru my emails I had one from The Raw Food World, the website where I buy my Royal Jelly from and mentioned in my Queen Bee Royal Jelly post. Always great emails from them, very informative! Anyway to the point, there was the link to a short video with David Wolfe clearly stating that Fresh Royal Jelly is the MOST POWERFUL longevity food in the world. Check it out ; )

If you search David Wolfe on YouTube there are a lot of really good informational video clips, a lot being about raw food, avoiding sickness, making smoothies with super foods, ect...
*Note....I am not a raw foodist BUT I do believe in what they say and find it very informational, it does lead me to make healthier food choices everyday, maybe you will find it informational as I do....ENJOY!

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