Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today I

This morning I woke up at 7:30am ate breakfast, laid back down and checked my emails, watched the morning news, chatted with the hubs. Got back up at 9 to get to a Cardio Pilates Reformer class at 9:30am. WOW it kicked my ass! I went tanning after and could barely even stand in the tanning bed cause my legs were still shaking from class. 
If you haven't tried pilates on the reformer yet....do it! Best workout ever, doesn't give you bulky muscle like machines at the gym do, pilates gives you long lean muscles like a dancers body! 
Then had to deal with some post office bullshit! Pick up drycleaning! Laundry! Tend to my dogs! Did a post on the dangers of the microwave! Paid some bills! Had a cup of tea! Ate some almonds! LOL
Went for a facial at 4:30 and had my eyebrows waxed. Technically not a facial but a micro/peel, not a strong peel a mild one, nothing I will actually peel from. I get them every month... I HAVE to or I die! LOL Now that I got my eyebrows waxed I will try and do a post on eyebrows before I leave for Barcelona, which by the way I am sooooooo dreading packing. I HATE PACKING uh! Here's a pic of my mug taken after my peel and eyebrow wax so all red and blotchy looking, no makeup YIKES!

And no I still haven't showered from sweating my balls off in pilates and then tanning EW

I didn't have dinner planned tonight so I made myself steamed baby bok choy with ume plum vinegar, olive oil and fresh pepper YUMMY. Got the recipe from Alicia Silverstone's book "The Kind Diet" Then opened a can of wild alaskan salmon, squeezed some fresh lemon on it and ate it in a a red bell pepper. 
Steamed Baby Bol Choy

You normally don't peel it apart when you steam it but I did cause the outer pieces were starting to wilt, it had been in my fridge for a few days so if I didn't eat it I would have had to toss it.

Then my hubs called and was on his way home so of course since he doesn't care for all the healthy stuff I had to make him a whole separate dinner. Made him an arugula salad, pasta I got from the farmers market on Sunday and a piece of texas toast ; )
Cleaned up that mess now he is calling me to come take a shower with him ; ) 
Gotta run, it's hair wash night too uh ; /

Maybe I'll get around to that hair post when I get out

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